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What's New With You?
Monday, 14 November 2005
What is your favorite new movie release and why? Shawn want's to know.
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: At the movies
Hello everyone,

This is your chance tell what is a good movie to see and what's a waste of time. The ratings are quite simple:

A= You loved it.
B= It was great but it could of been better.
C= It was o.k. and now I'm starting to wander what I just saw?
D= I must of read the previews wrong.
F= What was the point of the movie I just saw?
H= How the heck can I get my money back right now?

Posted by small-biz27 at 11:39 AM
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 2:28 AM

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